Saturday, June 16, 2012

Long Time...No Post

Wow, its been awhile since I've posted anything and I had every intention of writing on this thing as much as possible but life gets carried away sometimes.

Let's see, since December a lot of things have happened! In January, Jimmy and I celebrated our one year anniversary of being married! It's crazy to think that a year has already gone by, but we will be celebrating four years of being together in September.

In March Andrew finally got his first hair cut!!! He was apprehensive and really did not like it when they cut around his ears, just like his daddy! April 1st I had my baby shower and then April 9th I went into labor...which is kind of a funny story.

The morning of April 9th I woke up and wasn't quite sure if I was going into labor or not (I was induced with Andrew so I wasn't sure what to look for). This may sound gross, but I went to the bathroom and had more fluid than usually coming out and I wasn't quite sure if it was the mucous plug or not. So I called my boss and the teacher I work with and told them that I wasn't quite sure what was happening and that I may not be in that day. So after struggling on figuring out if I should go to the hospital and get checked or not, around 9 we finally went in and good thing I did! We sat in the room from 10 until about 2:30 or 3 (I think). The nurse kept coming in and asking if I felt anything because I was at a 5 or 6 and was in no pain. When I first came in for the labor check I was at a 4 and then slowly started dilating more. The nurse finally decided to contact my doctor to see what she wanted to do and she told them to admit me. So after passing the news on to everyone else we got settled into the labor and delivery room and my doctor came in to break my water. She broke my water started pitocin and the contractions started getting worse and I could feel them a whole lot more. I requested to get the epidural and then it was easy going after that. Before we knew it, it was time for me to push and Bentley James Bink finally arrived at 4:59 pm on April 9th, 2012.

It's taken a while to get used to having two little boys to take care of and I often times think I'm crazy but everyone assures me that it will be worth it in the end as I'm sure it will be. I also think I'm crazy sometimes because I'm still in school and still trying to finish my degree, be a full time mom, full time wife and work 40 hrs a week at a job I wouldn't trade for anything, but then I think...nope this is just the life I always wanted as a young mom :)

Right after Bentley arrived!

Right before I went to the hospital

Getting ready to head home...finally!!

This is one of our first family pictures!!! 

6.11.12- 2 months old

Friday, December 30, 2011

The End of 2011

Once again, its been quite awhile since my last post and I must say a lot has gone on. The holidays, as always, were crazy trying to make it to everyone's house so they could not only see us, but their grandson Andrew. Andrew got a ton of Christmas toys and at the moment it looks like Toy's R' Us exploded in his bedroom!!! We were very excited to see him open his presents and see the look in his eyes every time he opened a present. My 23rd birthday was earlier this week and I had a great time spending it with family. There is nothing going on for New Year's Eve and hopefully Jimmy and I can actually make it to midnight this year. 

Our first celebration in the new year occurs in January, our first wedding anniversary! I can't believe we have been married for almost a year now, it definitely doesn't seem like it. However, I have to say I wouldn't have it any other way, I love my hubby with every fiber in me. Sadly, the day of our anniversary is also the day I start classes too, but I'm only taking four classes this semester so hopefully it won't be too crazy. We will also be moving to a much bigger place in the middle of January and we couldn't be more excited to finally get out of an apartment. 

Everything is going good with the baby, although, we are contemplating whether Bentley James is actually Bentley James. So to decorate the room we are going with a monkey theme just in case it turns out to be Adalynn Rae instead. The reason I say this is because the ultrasound tech didn't give us the picture with any boy parts on it and Jimmy and I can't remember her showing us any boy parts, so they scheduled me for another sonagram on Jan. 27th. I can't believe I will be a mother of two in just four short months and I must say I'm pretty excited to take on the challenge. 

That's an update of my life as a young mom so far and I can't wait to see what 2012 has in store for us!! 

Friday, November 25, 2011

New Adventures

It's been a while since I've posted something since my computer decided to crash on me, so my lovely step-father in-law fixed it for me and now its all back to normal.

One holiday is behind us and we are waiting for the other one to begin creeping up on us. This was Andrew's first Thanksgiving of him walking around and actually getting to eat some real food, last year was so much different. This year was also my first Thanksgiving as a wife and mother of two (although the second child is still baking) and it was mine and Jimmy's fourth Thanksgiving together. As I was going through the events of the day I just kept thinking that next year we will have a 2 year old and a 6 month old to keep track of. It's kind of scary if I think about it too much, but then again, it's what I've always wanted. 

These next few months are going to be really busy around our house! December 5th we go to the doctor to find out the sex of baby number two, but we have decided not to tell our families until Christmas time! Then there is Andrew's first Christmas that he can actually open his presents, then my 23rd birthday, New Year's and then mine and Jimmy's one year anniversary on January 9th. I can't believe we have almost been married a year, it seems like just yesterday that we got married :). After our anniversary we will be moving into a town home that has a lot more room than what we are in now. We found ourselves quickly outgrowing our apartment and with Andrew getting older he needs more room to run around. So as you can see we have many new adventures ahead of us but can't wait for the excitement that they hold. I'm not sure when I will be able to update again, so have a great holiday if I don't post before then!!

Friday, November 4, 2011

You Never Know What You're Going to Get

Another weekend to rest up and get caught up on other things! I've definitely had my ups and downs this week, more than likely due to these crazy hormones I have going on. I have also found myself over thinking things too much and getting stressed out about the little things. I've come to learn, thanks to my husband, that you can't go through life worrying about EVERYTHING and not looking at all the positives. I have many positives in my life, but some days I do let things get to me and I haven't exactly figured out what triggers it yet and I'm sure I never will.

Everyday is an adventure in our household and you never know what you're going to get when you walk in the door. There are days when my son goes to sleep just fine and sleeps throughout the night and then there are others where he won't go to bed on his regular time or wakes up screaming for no apparent reason. The only thing we do at that point, is cuddle him until he decides to fall asleep. We love him to pieces, but I have to admit, sometimes it does get a little challenging. I know, many of you are thinking, "They are having another kid, she thinks one is a challenge?" I don't mean it in a bad way, I love challenges!!! I mean I'm going to school full time while trying to work and raise a child, I think that's a challenge in itself and now I'm bringing another one into the world!!! My husband and I both said we wanted to be young parents and we both got what we wanted and now we just have to make the best of it.

I am proud to say that I have all A's in my classes, as of today, and the semester is almost over with! My husband tells me he is proud of me every single day and that is honestly what keeps me going. There are so many times I've told myself that I'm just going to drop out and forget about it, but then I remember that it would have been a waste of time and money and to keep myself focused. I will be glad when I'm done getting my bachelor's degree and I can find a teaching position at a place I love and can gain more money from it to hopefully feel like I'm providing for my family more. I can't wait to be a first-generation college student and make ALL of my family proud.

On a much lighter note....Andrew's 2nd Halloween was blast and he got a ton of candy for Mommy and Daddy! He was the cutest zebra I have ever seen. It's hard to believe next year we will have two children to take with us :) And since my computer isn't letting me upload any pictures at the moment, I will have to make sure to add them this weekend :)

Goodnight all!!!

Saturday, October 29, 2011


For those of you who know me I thought I would start a blog to share all of my thoughts, fears, excitements and so on. For those of you who don't know me, welcome to a blog about being a young mother.

People have always told me I'm good at writing things and good at getting my feelings out on paper or by typing them so I thought I would give this whole blogging thing a whirl. 

Let me start out by saying, being a young mom is not as easy as you may think. I always knew I wanted children in my 20's because I wanted to be a young fun mom (although at times I feel like I'm 30). Taking care of a one year old while working 40 hours a week and going to school full-time is not easy and it's about to get even harder with our second child coming in April. I'm not by any means a single mother, I'm happily married to the man of my dreams and could not ask for a better family. I've known my husband since freshman year of high school and we are now 23 years old. That says a lot!

For those that know me I've been through my fair share of struggles in my life and to finally be in this place where I'm happy and have everything I've ever wanted is an accomplishment in itself. I hope you will all follow me on this journey and hopefully get to know my inner thoughts!

Happy reading!!